Gaslighting and Humiliating: Origin of These Two Words, Differences between Them, What Some of Their Bad Effects

Gaslighting and Humiliating: Origin of These Two Words, Differences between Them, Some of Their Bad Effects

    Dear Audience,

    The two words presented in this article were selected from the list titled “Words of the Year 2023”. The primary purpose is to analyze these two words, which we may be able to bring together on common ground insofar as possible by taking you on an etymological journey. Simply put, it is an honor to be part of this esteemed publication and to have the opportunity to share my research with you. I extend my best wishes for a pleasant and enriching reading experience.

    Do you know the history of the word gaslighting? You may have heard it several times on different social media platforms. However, do we truly use this word? Let me tell you where it comes from.

    Gaslighting is a noun that means that a person’s psychological manipulation over an extended period that causes the victim to question the validity of their thoughts, perception of reality, or recollections leads to confusion, inner questioning, loss of confidence, and self-esteem overly, suspicion of one’s emotional or mental stability, and dependency on the perpetrator.

    It can be quite an effective and destructive tool for an individual to effectuate a dilemma in their mind. In the following, you can see the connection between history and the examples that are given. In 1938, a British stage play called Gas Light by Hamilton, which was later adapted into a film is about a relationship between a husband and his wife. In the play, Jack Manningham undermines and manipulates his wife, Bella.

    He has a temper repeatedly fluctuating; he disparages and ignores her by turning the lights on and off – to be more specific the gaslight- to persuade her to believe she is going to be insane.

    As you can infer from it(The poster of the play, 1938), we can say that the manipulation process is being done with consciousness. Well, we have learned what gaslighting is. Let’s look at our other word: “humiliating”.

The poster of the play, 1938

    Humiliating is an adjective that originates from Humilis meaning “low and humble” in Latin. Later, it turned out that the word form Humiliars meant to make low or humble. In the dictionary, it signifies that to reduce to a lower standing in one’s own eyes in others’ eyes.

    Besides its social usage, it is also used in political issues. The main goal in this attempt was the national leaders’ desire to point out that the opponent state was in an indigent position. Therefore, as we said in gaslighting, it has been a tool for stabbers in all branches of life.

    In recent years, we have encountered these two words more than before.

    This is because, in recent years, types of manipulation have become more inevitable in different adolescents and children who are being exposed to such kinds of behavior disorders that affect human relations on either the social environment or media platforms. Many people who misuse social media are not aware of the consequences of their actions. Using them as an object of ridicule can lead younger generations to form their characters out of favor.

    Since manipulation and its diversity have been an integral part of human history, we cannot get rid of it completely. We can provide awareness instead.

    Being exposed to manipulation is not a preference. In contrast, not taking precautions is a preference. The whole point is being able to control ourselves in every aspect of life.



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