Translation & Technology TRANSLATION & TECHNOLOGY TRANSLATION & TECHNOLOGY İstiklal Marşı’nın İngilizce Çevirileri Arasında: Makine Çevirisi İnsan Çevirmenlerin Rolü ve Katkısı 12/31/202401/01/2025 Aleyna Doğan 0 TRANSLATION & TECHNOLOGY Technical Aspect of Translation Studies: On the Role of Python Programming Language 12/31/202412/31/2024 Betül Sarı 0 TRANSLATION & TECHNOLOGY Interpreting the Endangered Languages from the Linguistic Relativity Perspective and Utilizing Machine Translation as a Preventive Measure 12/31/202401/01/2025 Alparslan Ekici 0 TRANSLATION & TECHNOLOGY Adapting to the Evolving World of Translation 12/31/202401/01/2025 İremsu Nerse 0 TRANSLATION & TECHNOLOGY Makine Çevirisi Odağında Hukuk Metinleri 12/31/202412/31/2024 Selin Özgül 0 TRANSLATION & TECHNOLOGY Machine Translation: Historical Process, Quality Evaluation, and Brief Info on a Study in the Context of Türkiye 07/05/202307/07/2023 Aziz Berkan Karadeli 0 TRANSLATION & TECHNOLOGY The Contribution of Machine Translation to Improvement of Efl Students’ Writing Skills 07/05/202307/21/2023 Esra Yüksel 1 TRANSLATION & TECHNOLOGY Automatic Subtitling Translation Quality Assessment 07/05/202307/07/2023 Rumeysa Nur Çakmak 0