About Pessimism and Depression
About Pessimism and Depression
Pessimism and depression can be a crucial part of living by only themselves as feelings. For some, these feelings can be assumed as the main source of motivation to live or try harder for a thing that we desire. Therefore, with its former examples and studies that play a vital role in literature from my point of view, I thought that it should be examined not only as a feeling that suppresses our life but also as a source of happiness that comes from deep inside our thoughts, as to say, “a style of living”.
This essay and translation have been a valuable learning experience for me. Writing allowed me to explore new words and new worlds that I had never encountered before, some of which I may never fully grasp. Through this process, I discovered that writing is one of the most effective ways to communicate and share ideas. Translating the original Turkish text that I wrote first into English was particularly enjoyable, and I lost track of time while doing it. This experience has been unforgettable, and I have strived to ensure that the meaning of the words is conveyed as clearly as possible. I hope this essay provides insight and encourages reflection on the world around us. As members of this generation, it is important to develop a deeper awareness of our environment, and gaining this knowledge is the first step toward understanding the bigger picture. With understanding it, the skill to analyse and reshape the past, future, and most importantly, the present will be enhanced certainly.
This is for you, from you all.
Alper Enes Özev

Pessimism and a constant state of depression take the life out of most people, right? There is always one thing or the other that makes them disturbed, constantly occupying their minds and making them feel no different from a rag, so to speak. They feel like they are trapped in loneliness, and they state all their emotions according to this. They do not know what to do and always require suggestions. We have all been around such people. If you claim that you have never come across such people, just look in the mirror to find them. Because the person you are looking for may be yourself. This situation may be temporary (if it is a matter of necessity) or a matter of preference (if you have set yourself a standard of living). Personally, I find myself in between, though I find it difficult to find myself because this is the most natural right of man, because the creature called “man” was created out of nothing. Just as it was created out of nothing, it is the most natural right of human beings to seek this essence of their existence. Struggling with the fear of loss and the urge to lose everything in one’s hand is one other aspect that keeps people alive. Really, can pessimism itself be engorged in depression? Can a person behave as he/she is when they are with this fear? Could it be that they have already lost what they feared the most? Rather than this, the answer may actually be quite simple. This person might have adopted this lifestyle. The rosy world is not his domain, or he has no expectations from life, among all these devilish things. Many reasons and explanations can be given, but dear reader, this is my interpretation, no matter what you say. If a person harbours such a deep fear within, there must be some reason that fuels this urge. If a person has fears of losing something or being lost by someone, there must be a deficiency, an incompleteness, or a mistake. It can be likened to a table with one leg off the floor. Only one solution comes to mind, which is temporary: wedging a piece of paper under it. Even though it is temporary indeed, it might be a solution. However, it should not be forgotten that this solution is a makeshift, temporary one. Inevitably, that leg will break one day, requiring renewal.
A person should not be afraid of losing something; instead of this, one should be able to obtain other things to replace it in one way or another.
The thing that you are afraid to lose; can be a thing that you have already lost.
Consider it for anyone, a woman, a man, for an item you value very much. Please do not deceive yourself, beloved reader, because even you are not indispensable in this life. There is always someone better than you. Whether your ego can handle it or not, this is a fact that you must accept (although it is not valid for me).
Good things happen fast or not at all. But the most important thing is the potential to find passengers in the harbour when the ship arrives. Changing can be possible in this way. Can it be the main source of the depression?

What about pessimism? This is something that should not be associated with depression (in my opinion of course). Because it is really a lifestyle, a choice. One that not every person can easily decide upon. How easy is it to face this burden? As someone who is in this situation, I can answer like this, dear reader: It is not easy at all! To live every day as if you are in a constant battle, to witness firsthand how every passing hour, minute, and even one second makes you suffer, is exactly why not everyone can choose this path easily. But once they do, it becomes an insurmountable situation. This is a real bottomless pit! You rely on your rope, but after you get off, you realise that you never had a rope with you in the first place! How can such an unpleasant situation bring wisdom to a person? Does living in a state of constant pessimism contribute anything to this creature? As a matter of fact, yes, it does. Because when a person takes a look at a glass that is half-full, he does not consider it as half-full; he considers it as half-empty. It is not wise to have such expectations from this world, dear reader. Because you should know that a person’s actions, not his expectations, satisfy him. Some call it trusts according to their beliefs; I call it earned, deserved right. Because every human being deserves things, either by birth or later. This is destiny.
Then why are you striving, O’Supreme Being? Let it go as far as it goes. If you cannot do it, then put a rope around your neck!
This judgement may seem a bit harsh; I admit. However, one must accept living like this one way or another and learn to embrace it. Either there is no other way out, or it escapes my view. If I cannot, then please enlighten me. As I mentioned before: If I am a wretch in darkness, you must reach out to me the torch of humanity and share with me that sacred light to illuminate the darkness. Because for light to exist, it is necessary to be in darkness, right?
Then go ahead, dear reader! Take me out of this darkness, this existential crisis. Show me a way to live, hold these cold and lonely hands of mine!