How Do You Get A Job As A Translator In The United Kingdom?
How Do You Get a Job as a Translator in the United Kingdom?
Nowadays, most students want to find a job abroad. Maybe the United Kingdom is the pinnacle of this dream for you. I wrote this article to provide guidance to those who have this dream. To work as a translator in the UK, you need to prove your language proficiency according to the level of the 9-level system set by the government. You have access to these levels by getting specific certificates and diplomas. Each level has its requirements that you need to meet. You can find the qualifications required for each level at this link below:

One of the ways you can become a translator in the UK is to attend courses at certain universities. Some universities offer short courses in languages and translation. These universities must be Corporate Education members of ITI (Institute of Translation and Interpreting) and offer postgraduate or equivalent qualifications in translation. Unfortunately, no university has membership in this institution in Türkiye. The following table shows the list of these universities:

You can become a translator in the UK by participating undergraduate or postgraduate programs in the relevant departments of one of these universities.
Are These Universities the Only Way to Become a Translator in the UK? Of Course Not.
The other way to become a translator in the UK is to study at a professional body. You can also prove your level of proficiency with a certificate or diploma from a professional body. CIOL (Chartered Institute of Linguists) is one of these organizations. CIOL offers you the opportunity to obtain a diploma in translation (DipTrans) and a certificate in translation (CerTrans). With these two documents from this organization, you can prove your language proficiency level to work as a translator in the UK. I explained these two documents more detailed in the following paragraphs.
Certificate in Translation (CertTrans)
CertTrans is equivalent to level 6 in the language proficiency level system set by the UK government. The degree-level translation qualification can help you to apply your writing skills in international companies around the world and demonstrate that you can work professionally with languages. There are three parts of CertTrans. The first part is General Translation Skills (this part is compulsory). Then you can select either part 2 or part 3 based on either you want to translate for Business & Commercial or Government & Public Service. Assessments are carried out online via the CIOLQ Virtual Centre, making them accessible around the world. CertTrans is also a step towards the Level 7 Diploma in Translation (DipTrans), the widely recognized “gold standard” for professional translators worldwide.
Diploma in Translation (DipTrans)
As it is quivalent to level 7 in the language proficiency level system set by the UK government, DipTrans validates freelance translators for their skills. To demonstrate that they possess language proficiency and translation methods and to handle the most challenging translation tasks, DipTrans holders undergo extensive testing. In addition to qualifying for the highest level of translation work, the DipTrans holders also enable you to participate as a valued member of a community of professionals who share your ability, knowledge, and experience, such as membership of the Royal Charter, a professional body for language practitioners in the UK. You can prove your Master’s level proficiency in these translating areas with the DipTrans. There are three parts of DipTrans. The first part consists of a general text translated into writing form. The second part consists of written translations of semi-specialized texts, such as business, literature, and technology. The last part is the textual translation of semi-specialized texts, such as those in the fields of science, social science, law, arts and culture.
